Nine West Store locator

Nine West store locator displays list of stores in neighborhood, cities, states and countries. Database of Nine West stores, factory stores and the easiest way to find Nine West store locations, map, shopping hours and information about brand.

Nine West stores locations in database: 384
Largest shopping mall with Nine West store: Great Lakes Crossing Outlets 

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Nine West  interesting facts 

Nine West, also known as 9 West, is an American fashion brand, which is known for the fact that it can quickly transfer trends from fashion shows to ordinary consumers worldwide. The brand was originally focused solely on the production of shoes - but later it significantly expanded its offer. Currently Nine West offers customers also handbags, sunglasses, belts, jewelry, watches and hats. Nine West was founded at 9 West, 57th Street in New York and the name of brand comes from that address. The company opened its first store in Stamford, Connecticut. Since then, the brand grew and expanded into new and new markets. In 1986, Nine West launched the first campaign that has targeted the entire United States. The nineties were a period of expansion to the whole world - for example, in 1994 the company opened a branch in Hong Kong. In 1995 Nine West presented a collection of stylish handbags, which met with great success. This success encouraged company in the fact to continuously extend its offer of goods. Another decade was a period of cooperation with the fashion icons. Nine West decided to collaborate with Vivienne Westwood, Thakoon or Sophia Kokosalaki and the result was limited edition of top clothes. In 2009, Nine West has worked with sports shoe manufacturer New Balance and the aim of companies was to combine efficiency with elegance. Nine West is currently one of the most successful companies all around the world but it doesn´t mean that it hasn´t problems like other. For example, in July 2015 the Sherson Group (Canadian distributor of Nine West goods) filed for bankruptcy protection for the Canadian locations.

Official Nine West

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Did you know? 

Nine West founded: 1978
Nine West operates in 78 countries all around the world.