Charlotte Russe Store locator

Charlotte Russe store locator displays list of stores in neighborhood, cities, states and countries. Database of Charlotte Russe stores, factory stores and the easiest way to find Charlotte Russe store locations, map, shopping hours and information about brand.

Charlotte Russe stores locations in database: 518
Largest shopping mall with Charlotte Russe store: Mall of America 

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Charlotte Russe interesting facts 

In the mid-70s, Daniel Lawrence and his two brothers decided to make good use of their experience with working in the clothing business, which they learned from their father. They founded Lawrence Merchandising Corp., and in 1975 opened their first shop - called Charlotte Russe. It is interesting that the name is derived from the name of a popular French dessert of these three brothers. Success came quickly and in the next few years, new Charlotte Russe stores started to grow like mushrooms after rain. The initial target group brands were teens and twenties and Charlotte Russe offered trendy affordable clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories. In the nineties, Charlotte Russe decided to change its offer and get closer generation of women who grew up with it - but at the same time remain in the viewfinder of daughters of these women. Indeed, the statement of one of the brothers sounds clearly: "We attract women of certain attitude, not age."

Official Charlotte Russe

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Did you know? 

The Charlotte Russe founded: 1975
Store locations: 560
The Charlotte Russe operates in 45 states of United States and Puerto Rico.