Van Heusen Store locator

Van Heusen store locator displays list of stores in neighborhood, cities, states and countries. Database of Van Heusen stores, factory stores and the easiest way to find Van Heusen store locations, map, shopping hours and information about brand.

Van Heusen stores locations in database: 342
Largest shopping mall with Van Heusen store: Parque Arauco 

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Van Heusen interesting facts 

Van Heusen is an American clothing brand which is owned by the PVH company (just as brands like Arrow, Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger). This brand is one of the top brands in production affordable and high-quality dress shirts. In 1991, Van Heusen has even become the best-selling woven sport shirt brand in the United States. The brand, however, not focuses on dress shirt for men only; it has a collection for women, plus other accessories and sportswear. Van Heusen is very successful even in advertising campaigns –the most known is that one under the name "Van Heusen Institute of Style", to which is also engaged former American football player Jerry Rice. The PVH company's aim is to maintain Van Heusen brand still among the leading brands, offering not only dress shirts, but also casual shirts, neckwear, pants, polo & tees shirts and other quality products.

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Did you know? 

Van Heusen founded: 1921 was patented soft-folding collar
Store locations: 446
Van Heusen runs 190 company-operated Van Heusen stores in the U.S. and Canada and 256 licensee-operated Van Heusen stores outside the United States.